Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bus ride from Makkah to Medinah

So I was on a trip to Saudi Arabia and I was in a bus-ride from Makkah to Medina and wrote this entry in my diary. I can share the details of the trip in a future entry but wanted to share the experience of my conversations and observations of the surroundings.

The driver has really loud songs on with a cigarette in his mouth and he occasionally raises his hands in the air in the form of a dance move. After finishing the cigarette, he sprays on some perfume, probably to kill the smell of the cigarette, and then takes a sip of some orange juice. He races with cars that he tailgates and the cars that don't give him way.

It's very hot and humid outside but thank goodness for air conditioner in the bus. Since I'm highly allergic to the smell of the cigarette, I have a slight migraine. We are making stops after every few hours to get a bite to eat, to pray salaats, and to get refreshed. Some people are taking very long at the resting stops, at which, the bus driver honks non-stop for 3-4 minutes. Literally. Oh and the honks are about 3 times louder than usual car honks.

The behavior of the driver was inconsiderate at various occasions. I think it's quite inconsiderate to smoke frequently in the bus and risking other people's health as well. It was very inconsiderate to honk non-stop as a call to people inside the resting stations for more than 20 minutes. The passengers who had returned on time had done nothing to receive such annoyance and disturbance. But similarly, the behavior of the passengers inside the Burger King was also very inconsiderate as they took more than 20 minutes to leave the resting area. In the defense of the driver, he did start to honk mildly as an initial call to all passengers to return to the bus after 20 minutes. When the passengers still didn't return, the driver physically went inside to ask them to get back in the bus and it took an additional 10 minutes for the 5 women with kids to come back inside and get seated.

Don't we all show inconsiderate behavior towards others at several occasions. By being inconsiderate, we are losing humanity and tolerance in us for others. Many times we stand people up for meetings without a solid reason, we use harsh words/attitude to display our un-due anger on our subordinates, we leave the dishes for someone else to clean, we leave a spill on the floor for someone else to wipe and risk others to slip on it, we park outside the entrance of a grocery store for very long to pick/drop someone, we book a flight on weekdays and expect our peers to pick us up despite their work hours, we ask others to babysit our kids and delay our promised return time, we tend to cut lines, etc.

We impose ourselves on others by expression of inconsiderate behavior. This creates resentment and distance in others for us. We lose a part of ourselves in the process of doing so. We step a level down from humanity and decency, just to shed off some of our anger and selfishness on others. By being considerate, we are

Doesn't humanity also mean to consider the comfort of people around us. A healthy level of self-less and considerate behavior can result in flowers and calmness around us. Proper, due and fair consideration refines our personality and strengthens bonds.

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