Saturday, August 9, 2014

Bottled-up Anger

Many situations, people, things, habits in life can make us angry. We let this emotion interfere with our inner peace and harmony, as we lose sight of what this emotion does to us. It is very normal for human beings to feel this negative emotion and feel hurt, betrayed, insulted, taken advantage of, etc. Many times we bottle-up this anger inside us and choose to avoid dealing with these emotions. This bottled-up anger creates bitterness and harshness in our personality. It acts like poison to our inner peace and sucks out the freshness and happiness from our life. It is alright to feel angry, but the key is to detoxify our spirit from this poison as soon as it enters our spirit.

This load of anger and bitterness is like a burden put on our spirit. We can choose to alleviate ourselves from this burden by speaking up and dealing with it. This will help us feel free. And happy! But when we choose to stay quiet after hearing or bearing something offensive, we bottle-up that bitterness inside us and then regurgitate on it for hours/days/weeks, even years. This process of regurgitating trains our emotions to become negative and bitter. We think negatively of that rude person in our mind and imagine imaginary fights. All of this negativity turns us into negative people. And we then spread this negativity by taking out our anger/frustrations on the people we are comfortable with - our loves ones. This moves us into another world of depression and complication. Our bottled-up emotions are not only detrimental to our mental health, but also for our many other precious relationships.
The only solution to freeing the heart and mind from this load and depression, is to un-bottle the anger and bitterness inside us. The more we bottle it all up, the worse our mental health will get. This negative emotion and depression keeps us caged in the past. We need peace of mind to be able to live in the present. 

If we choose to take care of the anger and bitterness soon after the incident, we could free our soul from that heavy burden right away. This definitely does not mean that we put ourselves in quarrelsome situations, we just need to return the favor in a calm and polite way at the right time. That calmness and politeness help us keep our intentions pure and positive. Our goal is to deal with the anger, take care of it properly, take it out on the right people at the right time, in a calm way. It is true that calmness is probably the last thing on our mind when we are feeling angry, but training our senses to remain calm is key. When angry, get out of that situation where there is a chance that things can escalate. But do take care of the anger, soon enough after the incident. The goal is to restore our peace of mind, and limit further damage to our inner soul and positive thoughts.

Learn not to leave angry emotions open ended. Open wounds never heal. We need to let the wounds heal. The open ended-ness of emotions and anger returns to bother us and causes us emotional pain and distress. We need to comfort the anger with proper closure that allows timely healing. Seek the type of closure which helps you come to terms with the issue. Closure does not necessarily come from confrontation, because many times it is not even possible. Closure means to put the anger to rest by talking, writing, explaining, and sometimes even fighting for ourselves. We should learn to take responsibility, admit our mistakes, and change our behaviors, as these can also serve to be healthy closures. 

Be kind to yourself. Never hold a grudge and anger inside as it is not healthy for our existence, progress, future, and happiness. Treat yourself fairly and generously, with kindness and forgiveness. Always put your mental peace as your top priority. Don't feel guilty and don't feel angry. If you do, free your soul from all of these burdens by finding the proper closure to your open-ended emotions. 

I am very guilty of bottling up anger. I have learned that I need to either take it out or find a closure. I have let all that anger mess with my spirit and peace from time to time. It has made me bitter and harsh in some ways. I have learned that we find our happiness within ourselves, with our own capability, with our own effort. No one can introduce us to our own happiness. No one can provide it to us. People may become means, but whether to feel it or not is up to us. And we feel it with our own capability, hard work and success.  God has given us many senses and strengths, to use them is up to us. Do not ever rely on anyone in life to help you find your happiness. Mankind is not equipped with such power. So make a promise to yourself right now that you will find proper closures to all the open emotions and all that anger, and will put your spirit at ease.    

"Had I not created my own world, I would certainly have died in other people's." 
- Anais Nin