Friday, June 6, 2014

Conquer self

Hi folks,

So today I want to talk about life. I believe that life is like a story, with many ups and downs, struggles and successes, mistakes and lessons, good and bad; all of these elements making life full of colorful experiences. These all serve as the climaxes, but unlike movies, there are several climaxes in real life, making or breaking us, refining and defining us, constantly throughout the course of life.

This world is full with around 7.2 billion stories, each is unique in one way or another. But we all can relate to each other in many ways. No matter how extreme the situations one ends up facing, the feelings and desires of many people are exactly the same at many points in their lives. This could mean that no matter what the race, gender, country a person belongs to, we all have the power of understanding each other having immensely different backgrounds, based on our life experiences.

Let's look at some of the world's most famous people. Why did Osama bin Laden choose the path he was following and what was the turning point in his life, why did Nelson Mandela become the icon of freedom and chose to fight for equality, why did Princess Diana choose to divorce the future King of England, why was Hitler so inhumane, why did Gandhi start his freedom movement, why did Mother Teresa choose to be kind to all humanity, and so on.

The first step before we conquer something, is to understand it. As Plato once said "The first and best victory is to conquer self." In order to understand one, we have to compare it with another. To understand self, we can compare ourselves with others and might end up finding many ways we can relate to them instead. That's also the process of understanding.

We might think that we cannot relate to these people, but there could be one common theme among all these personalities which we all might be very familiar with -- Frustration. To me it seems that there was some sort of frustration among all of these people which drove their sense of decision making and they ended up choosing the paths they walked. Clearly the paths chosen by some of them were right and some of them wrong. But my point is only that in order to understand self, we need to compare and relate with others. Relating with others will not only help us understand ourselves, but others as well to some degree.

I'm no famous personality, but I too am very familiar with frustration and encounter it often. Yes, these days I have been very frustrated, hence, the topic of my post. As I am familiar with this expression of frustration, maybe I can relate to all the above people as well, more to some of them than the others. My life's story can be found to be typical and/or unique, depending on my readers. I think I am trying to be victorious by conquer myself and learn about others in the process.

I will share a quick synopsis of my life's story in future post(s). My experiences, decisions, lessons and actions might help some in one or two ways to make or change some of their decisions and actions, especially for the girls with one foot in the East and other in the West.


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