So I had this recent epiphany that I should not be waiting for life to start after reaching a certain place or achieving a certain goal as life goes on, time passes, breaths are breathed, body ages. When I was a little girl, living my life, I was told that a girl's proper place is with her husband and that I will have more freedom when I am with my husband. I always thought that maybe, that is when life will start. When I got married, I was waiting to move to Dubai from Pakistan thinking that, that is when life will start, then when we decided to move to States, I was thinking that that is when life will start.
Many times we think that we will start our life when this happens or when that happens, etc, but life is where the heart is beating. We have to live life wherever we are and start from wherever we are. Waiting for this or that is like considering yourself dead or mute at the moment which isn't physically possible. Humans become delusional, waiting for the right moment, finding the perfect person, settling in a good place, saving for a house, etc.
This just means we can never fully satisfy ourselves, especially when we are young and youthful. We strive and wait for something better to call that our destination. Everything else is a resting area. We live life considering ourselves riding a bus. Enjoying and some times not enjoying the journey. But deep inside, at the back of our head, we are considering the journey to be temporary, and that the destination will be the permanent place for rest. Even though the journey is many times lived longer than the destination, but we can win the psychological war with our mind that journey is actually living life.
Life is a set of multiple phases. We ought to spend our best and make every phase perfect according to our standards. We should spend our savings and make each phase right and perfect because that is what life is. Our heart is beating in the journey as much as it might (or might not) beat at the destination. Maybe making each phase, the best phase of our lives, should be the goal of life. Maybe life is a journey and destination is death.